What comes to your mind when someone asks you about social media? It’s usually one of the three biggest players, Facebook, X, and Instagram

Something that has gone unnoticed and still offers significant benefits is Pinterest. You might be surprised to hear that Pinterest still commands over half a billion monthly users.

And with more users piling in, that number is only expected to grow higher. That said, as a business owner, you need to work on your Pinterest SEO. If you’re here, you’re probably looking for the best way to start. 

We will take you through the right way to get your Pinterest SEO framework up and running!

12 Powerful Pinterest SEO Tips (That Actually Work!)

1. Researching the Right Keywords

As with all types of SEO, it’s always best to start with a strong foundation of keywords. These keywords should be related to your niche and trends in the market. The quickest way to get effective suggestions is from the Pinterest search bar. It can generate useful keywords that can help you get started.

Once you have a preliminary list, plug that into more advanced keyword analytics tools like Google Analytics or Ahrefs to get a more comprehensive keyword profile. It also helps to keep an eye out for what keywords your competitors are using. 

You may also want to tailor your keywords depending on specific sub-niches in your own business.

2. Optimizing Your Profile

The Pinterest bio is a vital place to include several SEO-related contents including keywords and links. Not just that, it is important to ensure that your bio helps to captivate audience interest and gain massive traffic

Ensure that the links you add aren’t broken and are live. Add a profile picture that is relevant to your business. If you’re using a photo, ensure that the lighting is good so people can see you.

A tip for the more advanced user is to have a specific landing page for users from Pinterest. This way you can track their numbers and gauge how effective your Pinterest bio is. Remember that this is the first thing visitors are going to see about you on this platform!

3. Writing Optimal Descriptions

While it is true that Pinterest is primarily an image-based social media platform, descriptions contribute significantly to both SEO and the understanding of your audience. 

Ensure that you don’t force-fit keywords into your descriptions, it should come naturally. Writing detailed descriptions for your pins might take time, but is worth it in the long run.

Since you can also add links to your description, use them but don’t spam links which can lead to people not clicking them anymore. You must use CTAs to encourage people to take action. The optimal length for pin descriptions is anywhere between 400 to 500 characters.

4. Creating Captivating Pins

Now we come to the proverbial meat and potatoes of the blog – creating captivating pins! Pins are what differentiates this social media platform from its competitors. 

Pinterest SEO Tips (1)

Ensure that you always use high-quality, professionally taken images as your pins. Adding overlay text where necessary is also a great way to attract engagement. 

But never take the focus away from the image with text that is too big or visually distracting. Be mindful of your brand palette when creating images. Vertical pins should be created with an image aspect ratio of 2:3. Testing and experimenting with different image sizes and layouts is a great idea.

5. Adding in Long-Tail Keywords

We did touch on choosing the right keywords earlier in this article. Another step in the right direction is to opt for long-tailed keywords for your Pinterest profile. 

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Finding longer keywords that relate to your niche while also being low competition can be tough but well worth the effort. It is important to focus on user intent when choosing long-tail keywords.

Once you have a list of these long-tail keywords, use them in various places on your Pinterest like titles, board names, and descriptions for best effect. Combining these long-tail keywords with matching visuals can deliver great results even in a short period. 

6. Choosing the Best Performing Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the best ways to highlight keywords and also improve searches for your Pinterest. Like X and Facebook, users can use different hashtags related to their posts to get the most out of them. 

As with the other social media platforms using hashtags, remember to not overload your post with hashtags.

Using 2 or 5 hashtags can cover most of your use cases without feeling very salesy. Doing some research to find the best hashtags in your niche is a great idea. Hashtags are trends that shift regularly, so keep ahead of the trends to attract the right customers. 

7. Using Trending Pinterest Content

If you’ve been on social media even for a short time, you already know that trends can change quickly. When you’re using a platform like Pinterest for SEO, you must keep ahead of the trends. It helps to have a regular schedule where you read about different upcoming trends and try to stick to them.

Creating content around these trending content styles can give you a leg up over your competition. Remember that people are always looking for the latest style of images or designs that attract them. You can even repurpose trending content on your website to images on Pinterest. 

When you regularly start pinning trending content to your Pinterest, you will accumulate more followers over time.

Pinterest SEO Tips (2)

8. Enabling Rich Pins on Your Profile

One of the standout features of Pinterest is the rich pin option. Just like Google’s Rich Snippets, rich pins have a lot of useful information embedded in them for ease of use. 

There are three main types of rich pins including recipe pins, article pins, and product pins. Based on your niche and the type of pinned post, you can choose the one that best suits your content. 

To enable rich pins on your Pinterest profile, you need to connect your CMS to your Pinterest profile. The WordPress dashboard’s Yoast SEO category has a simple option that can help you do this. All you need to do is ‘claim’ your Pinterest account and you are done.

9. Organizing Your Boards

An important aspect of your Pinterest that most people fail to remember is to organize your Pinterest board. When a person visits your profile, they should be able to choose from different categories and products. 

Having all your pins strewn around your profile looks messy and can be a turnoff for your visitors. The simplest way to do this is to organize your boards with keyword-focused names. 

This ensures that they will show up on searches and be useful to people as well. Ensure that cover images have high-quality images as this can impact their appeal. Ensure that you categorize your boards logically to get people clicking through all of them. Finally, ensure that you clean your boards and update them regularly.

10. Focusing On Vertical Pins

When it comes to optimizing the pins on your profile, vertical images are the most optimal. Why, you ask? Simple – because on Pinterest, the width is limited, so having taller images increases coverage and helps you get more ‘content’ to your users. 

The best recommended size is 2:3 where it is width: height. 

This holds for both image and video pins, so you can use the same pipeline for creating them. However, when it comes to video, there are also 1:2 for long video and 9:16 for vertical video. 

While these are the baselines, you could A/B test different vertical pin designs to find what performs best for your niche.

11. Following a Pinning Schedule

The one aspect of social media where most people falter is probably following a set schedule. 

A fact that bears repeating when it comes to success on social media is that consistency is what wins over people. Having high-quality posts scattered all over your timeline is not going to get you the best results for your business. 

Have specific periods during the day or week where you pin on your profile. It makes it easy for people who are following your account to see what you post. It is good to err on the side of caution when it comes to pins. Don’t ‘over-pin’ which can be overwhelming to your users and is just as bad as not pinning.

12. Analyze Pinterest Analytics

One of the most productive features of Pinterest is its Analytics section where you can learn about how your account is performing. It gives users valuable insights into their audience, posts, and schedules. 

Using this, you can choose a specific pin that you want to keep track of or highlight the best-performing pins on your profile.

Pinterest Analytics is great for SEO because you don’t have to rely on another third-party tool for most cases. It can help you adjust several variables like the type of content to post, posting frequency, and other aspects. 

Pinterest SEO FAQs

Can Pinterest Improve Your SEO Scores?

Yes, Pinterest has a sizable following of more than 500 million monthly users. It compares well to other social media platforms and businesses use it to build their brand.

Is Pinterest SEO Expensive?

The correct answer to this question is – it depends. But Pinterest SEO is a lot less expensive than other types of social media platforms to get started. As like with all social media platforms, it can get expensive for larger campaigns. 

What Are Some Tools Used for Pinterest SEO?

Pinterest has a considerable built-in toolkit that SEO teams can use to get a lot of insights. Pinterest Analytics has a bunch of these tools and you can also opt for third-party tools like Google Analytics, Tailwind

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid?

Ensure that all the images that you upload are of the best quality you can manage. Carefully research your keywords and hashtags before you upload them. Stick to a schedule when you pin images to your profile and ensure that they are high quality as well.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose the right keywords that are aligned with your brand and your budget.
  • Work on creating a captivating profile appealing to both humans and search engines.
  • Create descriptions that talk in detail about the pin you posted. 
  • Pin images that are relevant to your audience and captivate them. 
  • Limit your hashtags to 2 or 5 per post based on your research.
  • Enable rich pins on your Pinterest to improve user experience and engagement. 
  • Add long-tail keywords to your post, titles, and descriptions. 
  • Opt for vertical pins because they have more coverage on your feed.
  • Stay ahead of trends on Pinterest to get the most out of your SEO.
  • Follow a consistent schedule when pinning posts to your profile.
  • Analyze your account with built-in tools and third-party tools for best results. 

This is a guest post written by Deshawn McNeil

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Author Bio:

Deshawn McNeil is an experienced content marketer at Red Houston SEO Company He specializes in developing strategic, data-driven content that captures audience interest and strengthens brand presence. His ability to blend creativity with analytics ensures increased traffic, engagement, and measurable success.

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact meI’m always available to help young hustlers like you!

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