There are more than 1.5 billion websites on the internet now, and this number is constantly increasing.

How important is it for your business or you to have a website?

In this article, I will share 9 benefits of having a website and give you specific reasons to build your own website. Learn how a website can help your business grow its online presence and increase sales and conversions.

Let’s get started.

1. Online Presence 24/7

Today, having a website is just as essential as having a store, office, or telephone number.

Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have content online about their business.

A website allows customers to access your business whenever they want — from anywhere in the world.

By staying offline, you could be losing customers to your competitors as most companies nowadays have their own websites.

2. Showcase Your Work

Whether you offer interior design services, content writing, professional web design services, or other types of work that can be made visual, the creation of a portfolio page will encourage more new clients to get in touch with you.

I was hired by Swara Colors and Textures to develop a digital portfolio for their company. The reason is that digital portfolios are cheaper and easier to handle than paper portfolios. Additionally, potential clients can easily access their portfolio website with just one click.

Also, my favorite Bangalore-based illustrator and blogger, Angela Marry Vaz, markets her illustration skills through her blog. As a result, she is earning much more money than most other online illustrators.

Even I use my own websites, and, to share my knowledge and business strategies to help young hustlers build their own online businesses. By doing this, I am growing my personal brand online and now I’m promoting my web design, consulting, and other services on my website as well.

If you want to increase the impact of your portfolio page, include 5 or more client testimonials. You can include testimonials of your clients on your website’s Home page, where users land once they click the link.

The client testimonials section of my portfolio website - Photo by Inu Etc

The client testimonials section of my portfolio website - Photo by Inu Etc

3. Information Exchange

It is easy and convenient for buyers and sellers to exchange information through a website.

Your website can be used to share contact information, show images of your location or products, as well as use contact forms to get inquiries from potential customers or feedback from your existing customers.

You can also upload videos or publish blog posts (written content) to engage your customers, build trust, and sell your products in an effective and cost-efficient way.

4. Credibility

Nowadays, reputable businesses must have an online presence in order to maintain a competitive edge. There is no way that potential customers can trust a company that does not have a phone number, address, or website.

On your website, you can share information with your customers to engage them and build trust, as discussed in the ‘Information Exchange’ section.

An attractive, easy-to-use website makes your customers feel comfortable using your services because they assume they will receive the same positive experience across all areas of your business.

5. Market Expansion

The ability to break through geographical barriers has never been easier thanks to your website’s global accessibility.

Anyone, from any country, can find your company once you have a website, so they become your potential customers.

If you share information about your business on your website and engage with visitors, you can convert these international potential clients.

6. Consumer Insights

It’s extremely beneficial to keep track of your website’s traffic statistics. With analytical tools such as Google Analytics, you can identify your typical customers, how they found you, what they like, where they live, and more.

By analyzing the wide range of data available, you can better understand the impact of your social media channels, the information on your website on your brand, and even identify ways to improve promotional and product ranges on both the online and offline sides of your business.

7. Advertising

The power of online advertising tools such as Google AdWords, Facebook ads, or Instagram ads allows you to reach customers more accurately and reliably than traditional offline advertising methods such as TV ads and hoardings.

You can easily reach your targeted potential customers through SEO and online advertising. By doing this correctly, you can increase traffic to your website and attract more clients.

8. Competitors Online

If you don’t have a website, your competitors likely will, which means you’re missing out on lots of new customer opportunities. As I mentioned earlier, you can use your website to build trust, get consumer insights, as well as get more clients by doing SEO and online advertising.

So, why stay offline when you could lose customers to your competitors by not having an online presence?

9. Customer Service Online

It is easier to handle customer service through websites. If you share answers to frequently asked questions in a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section and all useful information related to your business on your website, you can reduce customer service costs and save time.

Additionally, you can add a Live Chat feature to your site to interact directly with potential customers.

You can also use contact forms to get feedback from existing customers or inquiries from potential customers. You can add positive feedback to a testimonial section on your site, which gives you more credibility to convert your potential customer into a paying customer.

Final Thoughts: 9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post and now know the benefits of having a website for your business.

Now I’d like to hear from you.

Are you ready to build a website for your business now?

Let me know in the comment section below right now.

If you need help with web design, web development, and more, feel free to contact me, I can help you build a professional website for your online business. Learn more.

Thanks for reading this article. 💚

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If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram.

Keep hustling!