Blogging can be a great way to make some extra money, a fun hobby, and a pathway to a new and profitable career. If you’ve always dreamt of having your words in a print or of making money as a writer, blogging could be the perfect fit for you. You don’t need many tools to get started; just a standard site template, a laptop, and access to Wikipedia to research your new blog ideas.

Related post: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Money Making Blog (The Cheapest Way)

If you plan to use blogging to make some serious money, it’s good to come at it with a bit of business strategy. As well as thinking about marketing or blog name ideas, deciding on a blogging niche will help you out. Clients who hire bloggers usually have a pretty specific idea of what they’re looking for and will want to hire someone with special expertise on the subject.

If you have a unique skill or unique knowledge pool to draw from, such as experience as a chef or make-up artist, your blog path might be clear to you. However, if you have a broader, more general knowledge, you may want to look for lifestyle blog ideas or blog ideas for beginners. We lay down some tricks for finding your niche and getting set up with new blog ideas for 2022.

20 Blog Ideas for Beginner Bloggers

1. Food Blogging

Food blogging is one of the earliest examples of popular internet content. From the very early days of blogging and YouTube, consumers have always enjoyed a recipe blog or a foodie challenge channel. Although there are tons of food blogs out there, there are also plenty of ways to make your food blog special.

Perhaps you could draw upon a specific culture or cuisine that you know a lot about. Or you could build a niche for a certain type of food, like comfort food, snacks for kids, or cooking meat. Food blog ideas can come from anywhere and should speak to your cooking passion. This way, you’ll never run out of things to say.

2. Uni Prep Blogs

If you want to write for young people, one of the best blog ideas for teens is university prep. You can write about Uni Life, how to socialize on campus, how to study effectively, and what you will need to take with you when you leave home. This type of blog is great if you’re a student yourself or have recently left university.

3. Fashion Blog

Think there are already too many fashion blogs on the internet? Think again! Fashion is constantly evolving, so you’ll never run out of fashion blog ideas and fresh takes. You could write a fashion blog about celebrity looks, fast-fashion or give tips on how to style certain looks.

4. Fitness Blog

Fitness is the content gift that just keeps on giving. People who love to stay in shape are always looking for new fitness blog ideas to help them stay ahead of the game. From tips about the latest workout gear to new fitness routines you could try, fitness content is rarely without an audience for long.

5. Art Blog

No matter what your artistic niche is, creative blog ideas can be hugely successful. People love to hear about the creative process and see snapshots of what artists produce. This applies to all sorts of things, from painting and sculpture to fiction writing. 

Many people would also love to try these activities, so fill your blog with tips and tricks, and you may pull in a crowd. Just make sure you pick out unique blog title ideas as there are lots of art blogs around.

6. Photography Blog

Much like art blogs, photography blogs are popular because many people would love to try shooting great pics. There are many ways you can start a photography blog. 

Some popular blog ideas for photographers include advice on how to set up shots, use camera equipment, or compose an image. You could also give tips about the professional or business side of life as a photographer.

7. Lifestyle Blog Ideas

Lifestyle blogs are still as popular as ever. Whether you’re a yummy mummy, a single girl in the big city, or a tiny house owner, people are fascinated by other people’s lifestyles. 

The best thing about this is that you can choose really fun topics that you love. From drama on the school run to dating escapades. So long as you have a unique voice, you’re in with a chance to make cash.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide on How to Start a Money Making Blog in 2022

8. Crafts Blogs

If you’re looking for blog content ideas, but you’re not sure what to write, think about what you do instead. If you’re handy with arts and crafts, this in itself is a great subject for a blog. 

Teach people to knit in 6 easy steps or whip up some fun biscuit recipes for the holidays. This niche has lots of followers online.

9. Pet Blog

Want to write about the best way to care for your furry buddies? Why not start a pet blog? Pet blogs are great sources of advice and information for pet owners. Write about training dogs, caring for cats, or making sure your hamsters are happy.

10. Parenting Blog

It’s true what they say – parenting doesn’t come with a manual. But you can help take the strain off new parents with a handy parenting blog. If you’ve got older kids, writing about the baby stage can be a fun way to offer some advice to newbie moms and dads. 

The same is true if you have recently raised teenagers. Parenting can also be a lonely experience, so blogging about it can help you meet others who have been through the same thing.

11. Car Blog

Are you an expert in changing tires, recognizing the signs of engine failure, or estimating fuel costs? These skills could come in really handy if you’re looking for blog ideas. Car blogs are popular because so many people love cars. Share your passion online and craft yourself an audience with your automobile know-how.

12. Movie Review Blogs

Film buffs can find tons of ways to watch classic films online and a handy film guide blog can be the perfect companion to this. Put your film studies degree to good use and review new releases with a critic’s eye. Or choose a niche of film you love, like horror, comedy, or thrillers.

13. Current Events Blog

If you’ve always fancied yourself a journalist, now’s your chance to have your say. Current events blogs usually cover major events in the public eye, from global happenings like the pandemic to celebrity news features and local news. Pick which type of current events you’d like to follow and get writing.

14. Politics Blog

Some current events blogs focus entirely on political affairs. These blogs are important news resources during things like political elections or periods of unrest. If you’re looking for blog topic ideas and know a lot about politics, this type of coverage could be a great choice for you.

15. Web Design Blog

If you know a lot about graphic design and development, setting up a blog should be no problem for you. Once you’ve got your blog on the go, you can share this knowledge with your readers. Offer site and blog design ideas, tips for website building, and info on hosting or about keeping your site safe.

16. IT Blog

One of the best blog ideas out there is the blog that offers IT advice. You might be a whizz on the PC, but so many people still struggle with basic IT problems. Depending on your level of expertise, you can make your content as advanced or as beginner-friendly as you like.

17. Interior Design Blog

Do you have an eye for design or a natural sense of feng shui? If so, your skills could be perfectly suited to writing a home interior design blog. Home décor blogs are extremely popular and offer people all sorts of tips and advice on how to create a beautiful space. Whether you focus on designing living spaces or on landscaping and gardening, interior design blogs can give people inspiration and build a dedicated following.

18. Music Blog

If you love going to see live bands, a music blog could be the ideal gig for you. Music blogs can cover all sorts, from on-stage performances to new album releases. You can categorize your blog according to musical genre or just focus on one band and follow all their major shows or tours. 

Music blogs allow you to combine your passions for music and for writing. It’s also a great way to build publicity for your favorite artists.

19. Book Blogs

The internet is a great resource for writers, but it can also be a paradise for readers too. People love to share their thoughts and opinions about their favorite books online, and book blogs and book review sites are extremely popular. If you’re an avid reader, this could be a fantastic opportunity for you.

You’ll never run out of blog ideas because you’ll always have a new book to write about. Book blogs can cover new release reviews or can specialize in certain genres or writers. For instance, many book bloggers focus on Young Adult novels or non-fiction books. 

Book blogs also have some of the most active communities with the most passionate members, so it’s a great way to connect with people who share your love for reading.

20. Money Advice Blogs

More and more people nowadays are thinking carefully about what to do with their money. From the boom in casual investment to the rise of cryptocurrencies, money is a complicated business. 

Money advice blogs can teach people how to budget, offer tips on where to keep savings, and explain how to generate a return on investments. You could also share tips on subjects like taxes and inheritance, depending on your area of expertise.


The possibilities for coming up with blog niche ideas are seemingly endless. As with all writing, the best advice is to write what you know. This way, you can be sure that you’re sharing valuable content with your readers.

Final Call: Which type of blog writing appeals most to you? Have you had success as a blogger? Share your tips and experiences in the comments!

This is a guest post written by Emily Moore

Emily Moore is an English & programming teacher with a passion for space and blogging. She believes that current exploration should be focused on preserving our planet’s resources. With satellites circling the orbit, it is easier to get relevant data on any environmental changes. This, in turn, should help people quickly address any challenges.

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