I always tell people:

‘Don’t underestimate the power of Pinterest’

And here’s why many bloggers and I love Pinterest so much:

  • When it comes to traffic generation, SEO and other social media take time, but Pinterest reacts in just one day!
  • It drives massive traffic to my blog. Over 65% of my total traffic comes from Pinterest.
  • Pinterest is full of awesome images, and it’s full of content ideas.
  • Pins can drive traffic to your blog regularly.
  • Sometimes pins go viral and you can get massive traffic from a single viral pin.

So, If you’re a struggling beginner blogger, you can implement Pinterest to drive targeted traffic to your blog to easily convert your baby blog into a money-making blog.

In this post, I’m going to share 11 tactics that you can use to set up your Pinterest account and bring massive traffic to your blog.

Here is the summary of what I’m going to show you inside this in-depth guide.

  1. Sign Up for a business account.
  2. Set up your profile to attract your target audience.
  3. Create relevant boards and save some pins.
  4. Create pin-worthy images.
  5. Create catchy titles.
  6. Write engaging and keyword-rich description.
  7. Join relevant group boards.
  8. Claim your website.
  9. Apply for Rich Pins.
  10. Display share buttons on your blog.
  11. Pin consistently.

Are you excited?

Let’s get started!

Setting up your Pinterest account to drive targeted traffic to your blog

It’s essential to set up your Pinterest profile properly. Here’s how you can set up your account, boards, and pins the right way.

Hire Team Inu Etc as your Pinterest virtual assistant to drive traffic and sales, or book a Pinterest 1:1 consultation to learn everything about Pinterest.

Contact Me – hi@inuetc.com

1. Sign Up for a Business Account

If you really want to see an impact on your pinning effort, sign up for a free Pinterest business account, or if you have an existing personal account, turn it into a business account.

This will give you access to Pinterest analytics so you can see important insights about your pins, such as the number of impressions your pins are getting, the number of audiences you have, the number of link clicks, etc.

Also, you’ll be able to run ads, claim your websites and social media accounts, and apply for rich pins.

Read more: 11 Pinterest Experts Reveal How New Bloggers Can Grow on Pinterest

2. Set Up Your Profile to Attract Your Target Audience

Your profile is the first impression your potential followers will see.

Each month tons of targeted audiences will visit your Pinterest profile.

So, you want to set up your profile to attract and impress your potential followers, right?

Include a professional-looking or friendly profile photo, a catchy title, and a short bio that explains how you help and what you do.

Also, make sure you add some keywords to optimize your profile for Pinterest search.

For example,

Look at my profile.

Inu Etc Pinterest 1

My short bio explains what I do, and I’m using keywords such as online business, entrepreneurship, and blogging in my bio and title.

3. Create Relevant Boards and Save Some Pins.

Boards are where you save your and others’ pins.

You may have categories on your blog. Create different Pinterest boards for each category and save images from your blog to those boards.

Pinterest lets you create unlimited boards. So, create other relevant boards and fill them with cool and relevant pins.

Create a brand board where you only save your branded pins. When you want to repin a pin just head over to your branded board and easily find all your pins in one place and repin your pin to other relevant boards.

Also, add cover images to your boards to make them look professional.

For example,

Look at the cover image of my brand board and two other boards.

Pinterest boards cover image

To add a cover image to your board, just add a square size pin to a board, and from the ‘edit your board’ section, select that image as the cover image for that board.

Quick Tips: Don’t forget to use keywords to optimize your boards titles and descriptions to get a targeted audience through Pinterest search.

This post contains affiliate links (I don’t recommend anything that I don’t believe in), meaning at no extra cost to you, I might receive a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Read more: 9 Proven Ways to Monetize Your Blog – Make Money Blogging

58 Viral Canva Pinterest Templates to Bring Traffic and Sales

4. Create Pin-Worthy Images

Pinterest is full of millions of visuals. So, to stand out and grab the attention of a user, your pins need to be attractive, engaging, and valuable.

You can easily design an attractive pin using Canva, Snappa, Picmonkey, etc.

Get 58 fully customizable Canva Pinterest Templates to create viral pins that bring traffic and sales

Here’s how you can create pin-worthy images:

1. Use High-Quality Images

High-quality images are essential to create an attractive and engaging pin.

Make sure to use images that are visually compelling and will stand out in people’s feeds.

Use high-quality stock images, create custom designs, or create custom illustrations, and design your unique pins to see better performance.

Read more: 17 Amazing Free Websites to Download Copyright Free Stock Images

2. Include Text In Your Image

If you want to make your pin more clickable to drive massive traffic to your blog, make sure you’re adding texts to your images.

When you properly add text, it looks more professional, it helps your targeted audience to know more about the valuable content behind the pins, and they end up clicking on your pins.

Use two different fonts, and don’t use multiple colors, stick to two or three colors; otherwise, it will look confusing and ugly.

To make your pins branded, use the same fonts and colors on all your pins. Also, make sure you add the logo or the site URL on your pins. It helps others to identify your pins.

3. Create Vertical Pins.

Since up to 80% of users use their smartphones to browse through their Pinterest feed, Pinterest prefers vertically oriented pins because it looks best on a mobile screen.

That’s why when you design images for Pinterest, think vertical. Pinterest recommends that you use a 2:3 aspect ratio for all of your pins. A 2:3 aspect ratio means that your image’s width is ⅔ its height.

Here are some image dimensions that represent a 2:3 ratio.

Pinterest image dimensions

5. Create Catchy Titles

The headline or title is the most crucial part of your pin or your blog post.

An entertaining and eye-catching title can help your pin go viral on Pinterest and helps you drive tons of traffic to your blog.

If you’re a pro blogger, you already know how to write an engaging title for your blog post.

The process of writing a headline for a pin, blog post, or other writing is the same.

Here’s how you can write an engaging and catchy title for your pin.

1. Always Consider Your Target Audience First

Always know who you’re writing for and what problems they are having.

If your title can solve their problems, you’ll get a better engagement rate.

So, always keep your target audience in your mind when you write a title for a pin or a blog post.

2. Use Numbers and Data In Your Title.

Several studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to generate 73% more social shares and engagement.

Look at successful bloggers and their viral blog posts. They are using numbers in the titles of their blog posts.

For example.

Here’s a blog post screenshot from the Backlinko blog.

The Backlinko SEO Blog by Brian Dean

Read more: 7 Best Blogs to Learn SEO, Marketing and Copywriting

3. Use Power Words

To make your titles more attractive and clickable, you can include power words.

Here are some power words you can use to write a great title.

  • Amazing
  • Free
  • Incredible
  • Eye-opening 
  • Myths
  • Massive
  • Best
  • And much more!

Also, use some relevant keywords to optimize your title if you want to rank higher on Pinterest.

And don’t forget to analyze your title using CoSchedule’s headline analyzer for free.

6. Write Engaging and Keyword Rich Description

Pinterest is not really a social media; It’s a visual search engine.

If you want Pinterest to rank your pins, you have to implement SEO strategies. The same way you optimize your blog post to rank higher on Google.

Optimize your boards and pins description by adding some relevant keywords.

Use two to three relevant hashtags, but don’t behave like a robot. In the end, you have to attract a human, not a robot.

Always try to write an engaging, descriptive, and friendly description.

7. Join Relevant Group Boards

If you want to increase your reach, repins, followers, and your blog traffic, you should definitely join relevant Pinterest group boards.

A group board is a collaborative board where the owner can invite collaborators to pin on their board.

Some group boards have a huge following, so when you save pins to those groups boards you get access to audiences beyond your followers.

Here are some ways you can find relevant group boards:

  • Search Pinterest for keywords relevant to your niche and filter the result to look at boards only. You’ll see some group boards.
  • Search keywords on Pingroupie for group boards. Even though the website is not updated with the latest data, it’s still a good place to start.
  • Also, look at other blogger’s Pinterest profiles in your niche to see the group boards your competitors are contributing to.

After you have discovered some relevant group boards, the next step is to join these boards.

Most group Boards have instructions for joining in the description of the Board. Follow the instructions and do what the owner of the group board wants you to do.

In most cases, you’ll need to follow the board and the owner of the board, then send a request on DM or an email with your username asking for an invite.

And here is a gift for you!

You can join my group board – Traffic Sphere. It’s a group board where you can save unlimited pins that are related to online business, blogging, entrepreneurship, marketing, and such other relevant topics.

The main motive of ‘Traffic Sphere’ is to drive more traffic to each contributor. So, try to engage with each contributor by repinning their pins.

To join ‘Traffic Sphere’, at first follow me on Pinterest and DM me on Instagram or request to join the board on Pinterest itself.

Check out 350+ Pinterest Group Boards to Join to Skyrocket Your Blog Traffic

8. Claim Your Website and Other Social Media Accounts

You should claim your website to get access to your website analytics. It lets people know where they can find more of your content.

Your profile picture and your name will show up next to any pin that comes from your site.

A small globe icon with a checkmark icon appears next to your site URL on your Pinterest profile.

To claim your site, go to the edit settings section and head over to the Claim section and then enter your site URL, and hit the Claim button.

Claim website on Pinterest

Pinterest will display a popup with two methods that you can use to claim your website. (add HTML tag or Upload HTML file)

Add HTML tag to your site

Choose the HTML tag option because it’s easier. Just copy the HTML tag and go to your WordPress dashboards.

If you have the Yoast SEO plugin installed on your site, then visit SEO » Social page on your WordPress dashboard.

On the Facebook tab, make sure that open graph settings are enabled.

Open graph enabled - Yoast SEO

Next, go to the Pinterest tab, in the Pinterest confirmation field, past the HTML tag that you copied previously, and click on the save changes button.

Add HTML tag-Pinterest confirmation

If you’re not using the Yoast SEO Plugin, you can use the Insert Headers and Footers plugin to insert the HTML tag to your site’s header section.

Once the HTML tag is added in your site’s header section, go back to the Pinterest popup screen and click on the Next button and then click the submit button.

Submit website to review - Pinterest

Usually, the verification process takes 24 hours, and you’ll get an email from Pinterest about the verification of your website.

Once the verification process is done, you’ll see the confirmation on the Claim section on Pinterest.

Website claimed on Pinterest

Also, don’t forget to claim your Instagram, Etsy, and YouTube account.

9. Apply for Rich Pins

Rich pins provide more context about pins because they show extra information directly on a pin.

Pinterest has 4 types of Rich Pins: app, product, recipe, and article.

As I write articles on my blog, I have enabled article rich pin on my Pinterest account.

Article Pins helps users know more about the pin by showing the article headline, author name, description, ‘read it’ button, published date, and site name.

For example,

Here’s a rich pin from my profile:Pinterest Rich Pins

Setting up Rich Pins for your blog is one of the most important steps if you want to look more professional on Pinterest.

Rich pins attract more eyeballs and help you drive more traffic to your blog.

Once you have claimed your website, you can apply for Rich Pins.

Go to Pinterest Rich Pin Validator, enter one of your blog post URL, and hit validate.

Once you get the green check and ‘Your Pin’s have been validated! Apply to enable your Rich Pins’ message you can click apply.

Sometimes your blog will be approved instantly; other times, Pinterest will take some time to verify your blog.

It can take a few days for your pins to start showing up as rich pins. But if it’s not showing after a few days, contact the Pinterest help desk.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide on How to Start a Money Making Blog

10. Display Share Buttons on Your Blog

You should use social share buttons to help your readers share your valuable content on Pinterest or other social media platforms.

By adding social media buttons, you can build user engagement and bring new visitors to your blog.

I’m using Social Pug plugin to display social share buttons on my blog. You can use this free, lightweight social sharing plugin, or you can use other plugins such as Social Warfare, Addthis, etc.

Also, make sure you are using the image hover button to encourage pinning.

To do that,

Add this javascript at the bottom of all the posts or pages where you want to show the image hover button.

Also, Pinterest lets you create an optimized image hover button from their widget builder page.

11. Pin consistently.

Consistency is the key to success.

The line is so true!

If you want to get massive traffic from Pinterest to your blog, you have to save engaging, attractive, and valuable pins consistently.

You can manually save pins from your blog, or you can upload and save pins inside Pinterest.

Also, you can schedule your pin directly from Pinterest. When uploading a pin, just choose an upcoming date and save your pin to a relevant board. It’s free, but it’s a little manual way to schedule your pins.

If you want to automate your pinning strategy, you should definitely use Tailwind.

This excellent marketing tool comes with some advanced features such as Smart Schedule, Interval Scheduling, scheduling repins, SmartLoop, and much more.

SmartLoop functions let you automatically save your pins to multiple boards based on the interval of time.

They also offer a group board alike feature, Tailwind Tribes, made up of like-minded creators who support and collaborate and curate engaging Pinterest accounts by sharing each other content with Pinterest.

The best part is,

Anyone can start a Tailwind Tribe, and there are thousands of active Tailwind Tribes that you can join and start collaborating with like-minded bloggers to grow your Pinterest account.

Overall, Tailwind helps you stay consistently active on Pinterest with minimal effort.

You can schedule your first 100 pins for free using Tailwind!

728x90 tailwind pinterest banner

Ultimate Pinterest 1:1 Consultation

Learn everything about Pinterest to grow on Pinterest and drive massive traffic to your blog.

I’m a Pinterest expert and I have a successful Pinterest account that helps me grow my online business. I can help you learn almost anything about Pinterest. I’ll share essential marketing tips, strategies, pin design tools, and more.


  • Pinterest SEO.
  • Pinterest growth strategies.
  • How to optimize your profile.
  • How to make viral pins.
  • How to design engaging Pinterest pins. [Get Canva Pinterest Templates ($29) for FREE]

Wanna learn all these things to grow your Pinterest profile?

Contact Me – hi@inuetc.com

Now It’s Your Turn!

Hey, I really hope you enjoyed reading this actionable guide to get massive traffic to your blog.

Now I would like to hear from you:

What is your experience with Pinterest?

Please let me know in the comment section below right now!

Also, share this post with your friends and struggling bloggers who want to use Pinterest to drive massive traffic to their blog.

11 Actionable Ways To Get Massive Traffic From #Pinterest To Your Blog. #BloggingTips #Marketing Share on X

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you.

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me in any way, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help you.

Keep hustling!