Want to become a digital nomad in 2025?  

Want to travel the world while working full-time remotely?  

Whether you are an aspiring digital nomad looking for actionable tips or a new digital nomad seeking more ideas to grow, this digital nomad roundup post is for you!

I asked some experienced digital nomads the following question:  

If you have tips or practical advice on how to become a digital nomad, start a successful travel blog, get a remote job, or anything similar, I’d love to hear from you and publish your thoughts in my blog post.

As a beginner traveler new to the digital nomad world, learning the best practices can be overwhelming.

The tips listed below reflect the hard work and experience of various successful digital nomads and online entrepreneurs. I’m confident their advice will help you grow as a digital nomad in 2025.

Let’s dive right in.

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1. If you’re dreaming of the digital nomad lifestyle, the biggest decision you’ll need to make is how to fund your lifestyle. 

There are a lot of different ways to become a digital nomad.

You can start your own business offering digital skills as a freelancer; you can get hired as an employee with a fully remote company; you can become a successful content creator. Throughout my nearly 5 years as a digital nomad, I’ve done it all. Some things I’ve enjoyed, some I couldn’t wait to move on from.

If you’re dreaming of the digital nomad lifestyle, the biggest decision you’ll need to make is how to fund your lifestyle. The beauty of being a digital nomad is certainly the freedom it brings with it, so you’ll need a way to make an income from wherever in the world you want to hop to.

Each of the main income revenues outlined above comes with a web of specifics but you’ll want to start from the general and work your way to the nitty-gritty.

Here are some pros and cons you’ll want to keep in mind when making your decision:

1. As a freelancer:

  • Pros: You get you to set your own schedule and work only in what you enjoy and have experience with. You’ll have the most freedom as a freelancer since you won’t have a boss telling you when you need to work and from where.
  • Cons: You’ll have to find your own clients, so will constantly need to be in sales mode. If you don’t do the work, you won’t get paid, so it really relies on you having the motivation to get things done even when there’s a beautiful beach right outside your door.

2. As an employee:

  • Pros: You’ll earn a stable paycheck, so you can easily choose places that you know you can afford. You know your responsibilities on a day-to-day basis and don’t have to worry about the admin side of the business.
  • Cons: You’ll be stuck with their schedule. It can be tough to navigate time zones if you require any “face-to-face” online meetings throughout your day. You’ll need to prove to your boss that you can be self-sufficient and work from anywhere.

3. As a content creator:

  • Pros: You get to be creative and utilize the platform you enjoy the most. This could be social media, a travel blog, or a mixture of the two. Just like as a freelancer, you’re your own boss, but in this job your main objective is to share about your travels.
  • Cons: It can be time-consuming and a long journey to monetize this. It’s certainly possible but know that it will take a lot of “free” work until you start to make significant money as a content creator.

Once you’ve chosen which of these 3 paths you most prefer, put your head down and focus on how you’ll achieve it. The moment your online income starts to roll in, it’s time to buy that plane/train/bus ticket and hit the road as a digital nomad!

Kat Smith

Founder of A Way Abroad

Read more: How To Become a Digital Nomad and Travel The World

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2. That’s why many digital nomads burn out.  

One of the most important steps to becoming a digital nomad is setting realistic expectations.

Without realistic expectations, you won’t last long.

To set realistic expectations, first determine what your work needs and goals are. This is different for everyone, depending on the type of digital nomad jobs you have.

Are you working as a full-time employee for a remote company? Don’t expect to be at the beach every day with your friends. 

Wanna spend every day at the beach with your friends? Don’t expect to work full-time or be as productive as you would be at home.

In fact, unless you’re staying in one spot for several months at a time, you should never expect to be as productive as you would be at home.

Hopping from place to place is awesome, and it’s totally doable for short stints. But know that the more you move, the more you have to plan. Move too fast for too long and the logistics involved will start to feel like a second job.

That’s why many digital nomads burn out.

You can avoid this by shifting your mindset. It’s natural to feel FOMO, and we all have the urge to see as much as possible. But as a digital nomad, it’s not necessary.

You’re not on a two-week vacation anymore. It’s perfectly fine to “miss” some of the highlights that all the other short-term travelers are raving about. Because unlike those short-term travelers, you can return to a country as many times as you want. 

If it’s helpful, don’t think of it as traveling in different countries as a digital nomad. You’re now living in different countries.

There’s no rush.

And the sooner you let that sink in, the more you’ll enjoy being a digital nomad.

Mitch Glass

Website: https://www.projectuntethered.com

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3. Make it a habit to routinely look at your bank account and see how much money is coming and going.

One of the most impactful things that you do to help yourself become a digital nomad is to learn how to budget. If you don’t have control over your spending, stress and anxiety about finances will constantly infringe on your travel experiences. 

Budgeting can feel like a dirty word, but start this week with a cash grocery budget. Decide on how much money you’re willing to spend on groceries per week, and take out that much cash.

Use a week-by-week budget instead of a monthly budget because it’s easier to succeed and if you do slip up, failure doesn’t last longer than a few days before your budget resets.

Also make it a habit to routinely look at your bank account and see how much money is coming and going. This will help you develop a positive relationship with your finances, and be proactive rather than reactive.

Budgeting is often only associated with saving money, but it gives you a sense of control that’s invaluable. 

When you’re a digital nomad without a home base, having a sense of control over your money (one of the most important aspects of your life) will improve your travel experience radically.

Written by Kayla Ihrig

Author of How To Be A Digital Nomad

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4. One of the best ways to combat burnout and fatigue is by embracing slow travel.

One of the frequently overlooked elements of travel as a digital nomad is pacing. Many travelers feel that to really be nomadic, they need to move as fast as possible and see as much as possible. 

But this can often lead to burnout and fatigue, where you don’t really enjoy the moment you’re living in because you’re constantly planning the next part. 

One of the best ways to combat this can be by embracing slow travel.

Slow travel can involve spending more time in one place and really getting to know the area before moving on. This gives you more time to discover hidden gems and immerse yourself in local culture. 

It can also give you more time to explore the activities that you personally find most interesting, whether it’s hiking up a volcano or spotting wild sloths

Having days off travel can also be a great way to recharge or to get remote work completed before moving on. 

Lingering in one place longer is also a great way to make connections through networking with like-minded travelers in the local community.

By establishing a base more frequently, you can also be sure of a consistent Wi-Fi connection, which can ease work anxiety and make it easier to meet deadlines.

Slow travel can also be a great way to stretch your budget for longer. By booking the accommodation longer-term, you can often secure favorable renting rates. 

And by choosing accommodation with cooking facilities, nomads can save so much money on food by grocery shopping and batch cooking. 

These tips can all help a digital nomad to regain a feeling of control in their life and achieve a better work-life balance while on the road.

Lucy and Dan

Website: https://www.thoroughlytravel.com

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5. The biggest roadblock for many digital nomads is making their lifestyle “nomad-friendly”.

The first step to becoming a digital nomad is letting go of clutter.

Getting a remote job and learning how to make money online is pretty easy in the modern world. So, while this is most definitely an important step, it is easier than you would imagine. 

The biggest roadblock for many digital nomads is making their lifestyle “nomad-friendly”. 

As a digital nomad, you’ll need to be able to fit all of your essential possessions in just one or two pieces of luggage. This likely means selling your Xbox, throwing out the boxes of random stuff under your bed, and essentially storing or getting rid of 90% of the things you own. 

This is a pretty major transition. It can be pretty difficult for new nomads to cut down their wardrobe to a travel-friendly collection, and deciphering which of your possessions are necessary and which aren’t is a major challenge.

It took me a few tries to become truly minimalist. I made a list of everything I owned and decided what I would actually use in the next 2 years, and what would just become annoying clutter, weighing me down as I traveled the world. 

Beyond physical possessions, you also must make your financial life more “digital nomad-friendly”.

Most digital nomads don’t start making a consistent full-time income right away, so it is important to make sure you are in control of your finances. This involves ending all your useless monthly subscriptions. 

End that gym membership you no longer use, sell your car, and rid yourself of any financial burdens that will make your nomad journey more difficult. The trick isn’t to make more money, but instead to be fully in control of your money so that you can do what you want with each dollar.

Lev Baker

Website: https://thenomadalmanac.com

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