Today I’m going to show you the 9 best blogs for aspiring entrepreneurs from where you can learn the latest business strategies, and some essential skills.

If you want to build a successful online business or if you want to start your own entrepreneurial journey, you have to learn some skills and new business strategies.

The best part is,

Now you can learn entrepreneurship, online business, marketing, and other required entrepreneurial skills for free by reading some awesome blogs available on the internet.

Also, these 9 entrepreneur blogs will help you stay updated with the latest industry news, startup stories, and business strategies.

Let’s dive right in.

Gary Vaynerchuk

1. Gary Vaynerchuk

We all love GaryVee, he is a great hustler icon and a great mentor to all aspiring entrepreneurs.

He is a Belarusian American entrepreneur, investor, public speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and internet personality.

His own personal blog is a treasure trove of valuable blog posts, motivational videos, podcasts, digital marketing tips, valuable advice on business and entrepreneurship.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s entrepreneur blog is my favorite and one of the best blogs for aspiring entrepreneurs.

He always provides every bit of his knowledge of entrepreneurial success and shares his thoughtful advice on whatever he has learned throughout his inspirational journey to get success.

If you want to learn more about entrepreneurship, I recommend you listen to his podcast – ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’.

Also, read two of his books ‘Crushing It!‘ and ‘Crush It!‘. These are my favorite entrepreneurship and business books and must-read books for every aspiring entrepreneur.

This post contains affiliate links (I don’t recommend anything that I don’t believe in), meaning at no extra cost to you, I might receive a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Read more: 31+ Proven Online Business Ideas – Money Making Ideas That Work in 2022

Neil Patel - Learn SEO and Digital Marketing

2. Neil Patel

If we talk about the best digital marketer entrepreneur in the world, then it can’t happen if Neil Patel’s name doesn’t come. He is a great inspirational entrepreneur for every aspiring entrepreneur like you and me. 

Born in London, UK, Neil Patel is a 31-year-old entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and Ubersuggest. He also shares valuable digital marketing strategies, business strategies, and entrepreneurship advice on his blog.

I have learned absolutely genuine elements of entrepreneurship by following Neil Patel and his advice on the field of entrepreneurship.

He is like a gem mentor to me and would be yours if you would like to learn about entrepreneurship, online business, digital marketing, and blogging.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur then I would like to recommend you read his blog, listen to his podcast, watch his videos and get entrepreneurial advice, business tips, and digital marketing strategies.

I’m pretty sure that Neil Patel’s resources will help you learn more about entrepreneurship, online business, digital marketing, and blogging.

The Smart Passive Income Blog by Pat Flynn

3. The Smart Passive Income Blog by Pat Flynn

My friend Inu Etc says:

“Pat Flynn’s blog ‘Smart Passive Income‘ was one of the first blogs that genuinely helped me learn a lot about entrepreneurship, online business, passive income streams, and blogging.

Pat Flynn shares proven passive income ideas, practical and actionable online business tips that will help you make your online journey easier.

He is one of my early remote mentors whom I follow from the bottom of my heart. I follow all his tips and strategies because I know they’re absolutely genuine. I suggest you check out his blog and learn as much as you can about entrepreneurship and passive income streams.”

Pat Flynn is regularly praised for his authentic leadership style and business principles. Forbes recently named him one of the ten most transparent leaders in the online business world.

His blog is full of trusted learning and development resources for online entrepreneurs.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur then I would like to recommend you read his blog to learn more genuine passive income streams, entrepreneurial aspects, business strategies, and digital marketing strategies.

Also, listen to his podcast and watch his YouTube videos to get more knowledge about entrepreneurship and the new-age online business opportunities.

Related post: 17 Genuine Ways to Make Passive Income While You Sleep

SEO Training and Link Building Strategies – Backlinko by Brian Dean

4. Backlinko by Brian Dean

If you want to learn about SEO, content marketing, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, copywriting and online business then believe me this blog will help you a lot.

If you are a blogger and want higher rankings on Google to get more organic traffic then Backlinko is the best blog you can trust blindly.

“Even though Backlinko has lots of articles on SEO, still I love Backlinko for its articles on copywriting. And I think copywriting is one of the most essential skills you will need if you want to start your online entrepreneurship journey in 2022.” – Inu Etc

The founder of Backlinko, Brian Dean has a YouTube channel which is a great place to learn SEO and content marketing and the latest digital marketing strategies.

I have learned a lot by reading Brian Dean’s blogging tips and actionable copywriting strategies. These actionable tips help me a lot with writing this blog post and many more I have written before.

So, if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, I highly recommend you visit the Backlinko blog and read all the masterpiece posts written by Brian Dean.

YourStory-Best Blogs for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

5. YourStory is India’s largest media-tech company for startups, entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, and change-makers.

Shradha Sharma is the founder, CEO and chief editor of YourStory. It’s a storytelling platform for entrepreneurs, innovators, and change-makers. 

Since 2008, YourStory has published over 20,000 stories of entrepreneurs and features many innovative startup stories of Indian entrepreneurs.

If you want to stay updated with startup stories, modern business ideas, the latest business, and entrepreneurship news, founder interviews, start reading YourStory right now.

Inuidea by Inu Etc

6. Inuidea by Inu Etc

Yeah, you’re reading Inuidea!

Inuidea is a blog dedicated to young hustlers like you who want to start an online business to make money online.

Inu Etc started Inuidea in 2019 to help young aspiring entrepreneurs and young hustlers build their own online business.

Although Inuidea is a new blog, Inu Etc helps thousands of young hustlers from all over the world through Inuidea.

Also, he personally helps and guides many aspiring entrepreneurs and young hustlers through Instagram DMs, emails and even on phone calls too.

If you want to learn more about entrepreneurship, online business, blogging, and marketing, explore Inuidea, ask Inu Etc and start hustling!

Read more: How to Find Your Passion and Pursue a Career You Love

Copyblogger - Learn Copywriting and Content Marketing

7. Copyblogger

“Copyblogger is the bible of content marketing.” – VentureBeat

If you want to sell a product or if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, copywriting and content marketing can help you succeed. So I think copywriting and content marketing are the most essential skills, you need to build a successful career in the entrepreneurial field.

Brain Clark started Copyblogger in January 2006, Now Copyblogger is one of the best copywriting blogs available on the internet.

Content marketing is the backbone of getting your company noticed, attracting the target audience and turning them into loyal customers and clients.

Copyblogger founder Brian Clark has been building businesses with copywriting and content marketing since 1998, Seven years later, Brian Clerk decided to share what he knew with the world. And yeah, his blog is full of practical guides about copywriting and content marketing.

So, if you want to learn more about copywriting and content marketing, I suggest you start reading Copyblogger and learn copywriting and content marketing using the best free resources available on the internet.

Read more: 7 Best Blogs to Learn SEO, Marketing and Copywriting

Entrepreneur magazine

8. Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur is an American magazine and website that carries news stories about entrepreneurship, small business, online business, startup, and business.

First published in 1977, it’s one of the oldest business and entrepreneurship magazines in the world.

World’s leading entrepreneurs, including Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Neil Patel, and business columnists share business strategies, startup news, success stories and entrepreneurship tips in Entrepreneur magazine.

If you want to learn more about entrepreneurship and if you want to stay updated with the latest business news, start reading Entrepreneur magazine’s blog right now.

Quick Sprout - Best Blogs for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

9. Quick Sprout

Quick Sprout was originally started in early 2008 by Neil Patel, the world’s leading digital marketer.

Over the years, Neil Patel built Quick Sprout into one of the top sites for digital marketing, blogging, and entrepreneurship. Quick Sprout helps you grow your traffic, business, and digital marketing career.

Now Quick Sprout is managed by Corry Cummings and Lars Lofgren.

Quick Sprout is the one-stop solution to learn almost everything about digital marketing, blogging, SEO, online business and entrepreneurship.

Final Thoughts: 9 Best Blogs for Aspiring Entrepreneurs to Learn from in 2022

Yeah, these are my favorite entrepreneur blogs for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Gary Vaynerchuk’s blog, Neil Patel’s blog, Quick Sprout, and Smart Passive Income are great free resources to learn entrepreneurship.

Backlinko and Copyblogger can help you improve your content marketing and copywriting skills.

Entrepreneur magazine’s blog and YourStory blog can help you stay updated with the latest industry news and startup stories.

And finally, the Inuidea blog can guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. Inu Etc is always happy and available to help young hustlers and aspiring entrepreneurs like you.

Read more: How to Start a Podcast for Free (Complete Guide)

Now It’s Your Turn

You’ve read about the 9 best blogs for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn from in 2022.

Now I would like to hear from you:

So, what’s your favorite entrepreneur blog from this list?

Let me know in the comment section below right now.

Also share this post with your friends, aspiring entrepreneurs, and young hustlers who are looking for some blogs to learn entrepreneurship and also want to stay updated with the latest business strategies, startup stories, and entrepreneurship news.

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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We are always available to help young hustlers like you.

Life is a journey!

Keep hustling!