Wanna get 5-star ratings on Fiverr or Upwork?

Wanna get detailed testimonial videos from happy clients?

No matter where you work or where you get your clients from, in this article, I will show you exactly how to make your clients happy.

Check out my Fiverr profile to see all the 5-star ratings I’ve received from clients around the world. You can also visit my websiteInuEtc.com, or visit my Instagram profile highlights to see more ratings and testimonials.

I also work outside Fiverr, and I always make sure all my clients are 100% happy.

There was only one time when I had an unhappy client from Fiverr. I worked with him for a month to build his e-commerce website, but after I completed the site, he suddenly wanted to make some big changes.

I didn’t have any issues making the changes and was ready to talk to him to better understand the project.

The problem was that he wasn’t exactly sure what changes he wanted to make on the website.

He was confused, so I gave him a full refund—$700!

Here, I’ll share my experiences and what I’ve learned.

I’m sure that you’ll be able to make your clients happy and earn 5-star ratings if you follow my actionable freelancing tips.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Communication matters.

I focus on communication a lot. It can make or break a deal.

Whenever I get a lead, I text for a while and then join a proper video call to discuss and clear up all doubts before I start working.

I make sure that I understand all the requirements, and then I start working on the project.

Whenever you get a lead, try to get on a video call or at least an audio call. If clients prefer to text only, then text with full interest. Try to stay active and respond as well as you can.

Pay attention to how the potential client communicates on video calls or in chat. Clients who are consistently unresponsive, unclear, or uncooperative make collaboration difficult and projects harder to complete.

Never work with confused clients.

2. Underpromise and overdeliver.

“Underpromise and overdeliver” is a customer service strategy that involves setting reasonable expectations and then exceeding them.

Before I take on a project, I make sure to understand the requirements properly, I clear up all the doubts, and then start working.

I always communicate with the client while working, and I deliver only when I’m sure that the client is happy with the work.

However, I still offer unlimited revisions, even if the client was satisfied with the initial delivery.

Recently, I designed a website for a client I found on Fiverr.

Even after delivering the project, I made significant changes based on the feedback the client received from her friends and colleagues.

I did that happily because I know that next time the client will come back with more work. I also don’t mind working in my free time because the more I work, the more I’ll learn.

The reward?

I received a 5-star review on Fiverr and a detailed video testimonial from the client.

You can watch the testimonial here:

3. Unclear expectations.

Never work with clients who have unclear expectations or doesn’t know exactly what they want. You can never make this kind of client happy, no matter how much you try.

I’ve already mentioned my unhappy client story from Fiverr in the introduction of this article.

If you realize that your potential client falls into this category during your initial meeting, don’t close the deal. And if you realize it later, like I did, just give a full refund as soon as possible.

4. Underpaying clients.

Don’t work with someone who wants to underpay you, unless the client wants to compensate you in another way — through a 5-star rating, review, testimonial, or referral.

A client can always negotiate a little, but you know how much you deserve.

There is a line, right?

Never close a deal below that line.

Don’t undervalue yourself. 

You know your craft. You add value to your clients’ lives, and you help them grow their businesses.

You deserve clients who help you grow, too.

You deserve high paying clients.

You deserve better clients.

5. Negative reputation.

If you work on Fiverr, you can see reviews of the buyer, and you can decide whether the client is authentic. You can also make a decision based on the way they text and their profile photo.

If you see a client with no profile photo, low ratings and negative reviews, you can expect a bad client or a scammer. You can discuss for some time and decide whether you want to close the deal with the client or not.

If you’re working outside a freelancing platform, you can check social media accounts of the clients, such as LinkedIn or Instagram. You can discuss and try to learn more about the client as well.

6. Offer services in the field where you’re an expert and that you love to work in.

I’m a writer, web developer, graphic designer, SEO expert, online business consultant, and digital marketer.

I love creating stunning websites.

I love playing with new website layouts. I love to learn new things about website design every day.

I love writing articles. Writing heals me.

I really enjoy designing graphics, and I love experimenting with new design ideas every day.

When you’re passionate about your work, you automatically deliver the best, you communicate with your client happily.

And when you’re an expert, it shows that you’re confident, you can charge more, and you can build authority and a brand too.

If you know the service you’re offering, you’ll understand the information you need to get started with the project.

Always try to upgrade your skills and focus on learning new things every day.

Also, make sure you learn some other things that aren’t even related to your core skills.

For example,

Learn basic sales, basic design, and communication. I also suggest reading articles about your industry to stay updated with the latest trends.

You can also watch videos, follow your favorite online mentors, and connect with fellow freelancers on social media. Of course, over time, you’ll learn more about sales, advanced design, or anything else you want to learn.

Believe me,

It helps to build your

  • Personality,
  • Authority,
  • Confidence, and
  • Brand.

As you communicate better, and learn and apply sales skills, you’ll convert more happy clients who will always give you 5 stars and refer you to their networks.

If you’re a freelancer, keep these actionable and proven freelancing tips in mind before closing a deal.

Thanks for reading this article. 💚

If you loved what you read, would you be able to buy me a cup of coffee? It’s okay if you can’t right now.

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram.

Keep hustling!