Unless you’ve been sleeping under a mountain for the previous two decades, you’ve seen many Google Ads without recognizing it. When reading about weight reduction, you could have come across a pitch for a fasting app. Or maybe you were browsing for shoes, and a deal in Google search results prompted you to purchase a pair. 

These were Google Ads!

While Google Ads may seem confusing at first, like with many tough things, Google advertising becomes a lot simpler if the process is broken down step by step. That is what we’re doing in this piece.

However, for someone who is new to this industry, utilizing Google Ads might be challenging. If you are interested in learning more about Google Ads, check out our online digital marketing course to become a Google Ads expert in no time.

Google Ads are a great way to increase traffic to your website and generate sales. This blog will teach you five types of Google Ads and how to use them for your business sales.

Without further delay, let us get started.

Google Ads offers eight distinct kinds of ad campaigns:

1) Search Ads – Google search results with text ads.

2) Display Ads – Image advertisements on websites.

3) Shopping Ads – Product listings on Google

4) App Ads – Marketing across several platforms

5) Video Ads – YouTube video advertisements

6) Gmail Ads – Ads that show up in people’s Gmail inboxes

7) AdWords for Video – Advertising on streaming video content

8) Mobile App Ads – Advertising showing up on mobile apps

google ad types

In this blog, we’ll go through the most effective campaigns in this article:

  • Search ads,
  • Display ads,
  • Shopping ads,
  • Video ads, and
  • App ads.

We propose beginning with these and, if necessary, adding other campaigns later.

Type 1: Search Ads

Google search results are where the majority of people start their web surfing. The largest amount of advertising real estate exists. Advertisers can place text ads next to or above the search results. The most important aspect of a good search ad is the headline. 

The headline should be eye-catching, informative, and relevant. For instance, if someone searched for “running shoes,” a good headline would be “Get the best running shoes at the best price.”

The body of the ad should provide more information on what the product is and why it’s a good choice. It should also include a call to action, such as “Shop now” or “Learn more.”

It’s important to remember that search ads are based on keywords. The more relevant the keyword is to what the person is searching for, the more likely they’ll click on the ad. 

Advertisers need to select the keywords they want their ad to appear carefully. 

Best used for:

  • Keyword targeting
  • Relevancy
  • Brand awareness
  • Website visits
  • Lead generation

What are the Best practices of Google Search Ads?

Here is a collection of recommended practices for Google search advertisements that can assist you in increasing sales.

Create engaging ad copy

Because search advertising is text ads with no graphics, their efficacy is determined by how effectively they are written. Your ad content should concentrate on consumer advantages rather than product characteristics. Appeal to the wants and emotions of your prospective consumer.

Create customized ads for each campaign

Do not use the same ad for all campaigns. Ads must be tailored to the specific keywords and demographics they are targeting.

It is strongly advised to offer on your branded phrases, particularly if your company is new and you are not currently ranking organically. You can guarantee that prospective clients can locate you if they choose to learn more about you.

Even if you currently rank on Google Search organically, running a specific search ad is useful. Grammarly does it despite having a powerful, well-established name.

Bidding on your brand name gives you more space on the SERPs and increases your chances of gaining visitors. Be as astute as Grammarly!

Conduct competitor’s search 

Another approach to utilize text advertisements is to target the branded phrases of your rivals.

Please don’t feel guilty about it; it’s a typical habit. People looking for your rivals’ goods are likely to be interested in yours, so take advantage of this chance to improve your sales.

Furthermore, if you’re already well-known in your industry, probably, your rivals have already been betting on your branded phrases.

Run Dynamic search ads

If you have a big website with many different pages and products, it can be not easy to create separate ads for all of them.

Dynamic search ads (DSAs) are an excellent way to save time while still showing your potential customers ads that are relevant to their search queries.

When someone searches for something related to your business on Google, DSAs will automatically create an ad based on the content of your website. You only need to create one ad, and Google will do the rest.

Run dynamic search advertising to reduce time by making maintaining keyword lists simpler. 

They provide the most convenient approach to contact consumers looking for your goods and services on Google.

Dynamic search advertising targets your adverts based on your online shop’s content. Your website should be designed to encourage people to buy your product or service.

Run Search Ads That Are Responsive

While they may seem similar, responsive, and dynamic search advertisements are not the same.

Dynamic advertising uses material from your website that is dynamically changed to produce your adverts.

In contrast, the advertiser must create a list of various ad headlines and descriptions for the same ad when using responsive advertisements. Google Ads intelligently blends and matches them to identify the most effective combinations.

Include a strong call-to-action

Your ad should tell customers what you want them to do, whether to visit your website or call your business without a clear directive search campaign.

Type 2: Display Ads

Display ads are image-based ads that show up on websites. They can be static or animated and can be a variety of shapes and sizes.

Display ads are effective because they can be creative and eye-catching. They also offer more space for information than search ads.

Advertisers should use a mix of images, text, and calls to action in their display ads. The ad should be relevant to the website it appears on and the target audience. It’s also important to use different ads for different websites to avoid looking like a spammer.

Best used for:

  • Brand awareness,
  • Website visits,
  • Lead generation

What are the Best practices of Google Display Ads?

Here is a list of recommended practices for Google Display advertisements that can help you increase brand recognition and get more visitors into your marketing funnel.

Run Responsive Display Ads Priority

You have three kinds of display advertisements to select from uploaded image ads, responsive display ads, Gmail ads. All three ad forms are successful and may support various advertising strategies. On the other side, Google claims responsive display advertisements have the highest reach. That is why we advocate allocating additional funds to them.

Do not combine new users with retargeting audiences.

Remarketing is possible with display advertisements, which is a great approach to notify your website visitors about your items. Be sure the new audiences do not include anyone who has already visited your online shop or viewed one among your YouTube videos.

Attract visitors who are comparable to your high-value customers.

You may leverage your prior visitors’ remarketing audiences to extend your base audiences. 

Type 3: Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads are product listings that show up in the Google search results. They’re similar to regular search results but include images, prices, and links to purchase the product.

Shopping ads are a great way to increase sales because they allow potential customers to see the product, price, and where they can buy it without having to click through to the website. They’re also effective at catching people who are already interested in purchasing a product but aren’t sure where to get it.

To create a Shopping ad, advertisers need to submit their product data to Google. This data includes the product’s name, a description, the price, and a picture. Advertisers can also choose to target specific types of customers, such as those looking for a new car.

Best used for:

  • Products that you want people to buy immediately
  • Products with a high price tag
  • Advertisers

What are the Best practices of Google Shopping Ads?

The following is a list of recommended rules for advertising Google Shopping advertising to increase sales.

Your product information should be keyword-rich.

Google uses your brand data to analyze if your items fit a prospective shopper’s search term. Ensure your product names and descriptions include keywords that best represent your items. Consider the Mergewords tool to create lists of keywords for your campaigns.

Must check product information.

Google will not display your product advertisements if your pricing is not completely correct, particularly if you have several foreign currencies. Make certain that you have a flawless procedure for updating product information, price changes, and availability.

Use high-resolution photos.

Product photos might be the deciding element in the success of your marketing campaign, so take careful care of them. They must be of great quality and photographed against a white backdrop.

Type 4: Video Ads

YouTube is the second most popular website globally, making it a great place to advertise. YouTube also has many users who are actively looking for videos on a variety of topics.

Video ads are a great way to reach people interested in what you’re selling. They’re also effective at building brand awareness.

Advertisers need to submit a short clip (30 seconds or less) to create a video ad. The ad should be relevant to the product or service being sold and the target audience. It’s also important to ensure that the video is high quality and interesting to watch.

Best used for:

  • Interestingly, narrate a brand’s story.
  • Capture the attention of potential customers instantly.
  • Present clear information that motivates prospective customers to engage, such as visiting your website or purchasing a product.

What are the Best practices of Google Video Ads?

Here is a list of recommended practices for running Video advertising in Google Video Ads.

Develop a targeted audience

Remember that if you promote to everyone, you will reach no one. To conduct effective video ad campaigns, create distinct video advertisements that target ultra-specific keywords, subjects, or demographics.

Keep your advertisement brief.

Following 45 seconds, ad play levels decline considerably, so be sure to communicate your most critical points early in the film.

Be straightforward in your communication.

 After viewing the video, provide your intended audience with specific next actions to follow.

Employ sophisticated campaign settings.

With sophisticated campaign options, you can optimize your video advertising.

Type 5: App Ads

As more people move away from desktop computers and onto mobile devices, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to have a mobile app.

App ads are advertisements that show up on several different platforms, including websites, apps, and social media. They’re effective because they can target many people who may be interested in the app.

Advertisers need to submit their app to the Google Play Store or the App Store to create an app ad. They can also target specific types of users, such as those interested in a particular kind of game.

Best used for:

  • Advertising an app
  • Advertising a game
  • Targeting specific types of users
  • Businesses with a mobile app

What are the Best practices of Google App Ads?

Here is a recommended practice for launching Google App ads to attract more prospective clients.

Allow Google enough time to optimize your adverts.

Whenever your ad campaigns do not provide the desired results, you may be tempted to reduce the budget or discontinue the campaign. However, if your advertising has just been up for a few days, don’t make any hasty conclusions.

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads allows businesses to place ads on Google.com and millions of other websites across the internet. Advertisers can choose to target their ads to specific types of customers, such as looking for a new car.

When someone searches for a term related to the product or service being sold, Google will show a list of ad results. 

The results are determined by factors, including the quality of the ad and how much the advertiser is willing to pay per click.

Advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. This process makes Google Ads an effective way to reach potential customers who are already interested in what you’re selling.

What are the benefits of Google Ads?

Google Ads is an effective way to reach potential customers who are already interested in what you’re selling. Advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad, making it a cost-effective way to get many people.

Google Ads is also a great way to increase brand awareness. When people see your ad, they’ll also see your company’s name and logo. This benefit can help build recognition for your brand, even if people don’t click on your ad. you can always learn to utilize the complete potential of google ads by taking a digital marketing course and putting what you’ve learned into practice will completely transform your business’s Google ad game.

What are the disadvantages of Google Ads?

One of the main disadvantages of Google Ads is that it can be expensive. Advertisers have to pay every time someone clicks on their ad, which quickly adds up. It’s important to ensure that the ad is relevant to the product or service being sold and the target audience. Otherwise, people may be less likely to click on it.

Google Ads also requires time and effort to create an effective ad campaign. Advertisers need to design an ad relevant to their product or service and target a specific audience. They also need to track their campaign results to see if it’s effective.

What are some tips for using Google Ads for your business sales?

Here are some tips for using Google Ads:

  1. Make sure that your ad is relevant to your product or service.
  2. Target a specific audience.
  3. Make sure that your ad is interesting to watch.
  4. Track the results of your campaign to see if it’s effective.
  5. Make sure that you’re willing to pay per click.
  6. Keep your ad updated and relevant to what’s currently being searched.
  7. Use keywords that people are likely to search.
  8. Create a strong call to action.
  9. Test different ads to see which ones are the most effective.
  10. Make sure that your website is optimized for conversions.


Google Ads must be part of any paid marketing plan. Use the techniques we discussed to get started and remember to tweak and revise as you go.

As it is done in a digital marketing agency, Google Ads can be learned and implemented by yourself. There is no such stuff as a Google Ads strategy that doesn’t work; there are simply those that need a little more attention. 

You now have everything you need to construct an effective Google Ad campaign that generates clicks and leads using the approach and information given above.